Camping, fabulous (semi-wild) camping

So, DD and I met up with my brother and his children and we all went camping at Dernwood Farm. It's sort of wild. There are flushing loos, running (cold) water and it's pretty busy but it's just a field, no marked pitches and you can have real fires (which was one of the main reasons we picked this site and was a great addition to camping)
crochet bunting decorating a canvas tent
There is a long walk from the car park but that's a big plus as there are no cars on the actual site to worry about. No danger for the kids and no car noise. (and safety for the many toads on the site)
toad in the grass
We visited Hailsham Leisure Centre on the one day it rained and the girls had great fun on the flume and in the pool. We also did a quick bit of charity shop shopping. On  the Sunday we went to Hastings and the girls played on the extremely windy beach.
windy beach in summer with children in wellies
shingle beach in summer
carrying wellies up a shingle beach
hair blowing in the wind
On the Monday wewent to Heathfield for the french market (in full moustache mode), made candles, bought bread and generally had a fab time.
three children in fake moustaches
candles at a french market
making candles at a french market
garlic at a french market
Eiffel towers for sale at a french market
And every night was fire and marshmallow night.
toasting marsh mallows over an open fire
toasting marsh mallows over an open fire
eating a toasted marsh mallow on a stick
toasting marsh mallows over an open fire
open fire
Now we can't wait for our next adventure!
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