
Showing posts from August, 2015

Outdoor food on Friday - August 28th 2015

Well! It's the end of August (almost) and next outdoor food linky day all the kids will be back at school. Will we all still find time to eat outside? I suspect that a cup of tea in the garden will start to be the only outdoor food I get. But I hope that doesn't stop you finding a recipe to link up - something you plan to try on a next camping trip, a sandwich you think might travel well, not only to school but for a picnic. What items would you add to the prefect end of summer picnic? Have you had a last outdoor meal with the children before school? Do grab a badge and link up below, I'd love to read your post! center "> href =" http :// www . tentsandfestivals .co. uk /search/label/ ofof " title="Outdoor Food on Friday"> img src =" http ://4. bp . blogspot .com/- BFvoDsEdUxY /VXCmIJW9gII/ AAAAAAAAQZo / fmXjckoTDtU /s1600/ rsz _2img_2605%2Bsmall. jpg " alt="Outdoor Food on Friday" style="border:none;"...
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Outdoor food on Friday - 21st August 2015

Friday is here again and once more I'm putting my linky out there to see if you'll share an outdoor eating or cooking post. As you are reading this I will be driving off to Wadfest , a small festival full of large hearted people. There will be zombie Nerf battles, murder mystery parties and outdoor cocktail parties. I'm hoping to cook some bacon this trip (I keep forgetting to take any!) and maybe some eggs, I'm also tempted to try pancakes and maybe the apple pancake recipe I mentioned on my other blog! (don't panic, I'll link it below) I haven't had a camping fry up in ages, now if the rain could just keep off that would be great! Do you have a fab camping recipe? Have you blogged about a family BBQ or picnic? I need to know! Grab a badge and link up below. center "> href =" http :// www . tentsandfestivals .co. uk /search/label/ ofof " title="Outdoor Food on Friday"> img src =" http ://4. bp . blogspot .co...
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Heads up - a competition #campingmemories

Not my competition but one I saw online, you might like to try and win a camping holiday. Fairly easy to enter via social media, though you'll have to act fast as it closes on 23rd August The competition is being run by Stavely Head Insurance and you can find out all about it and the prizes here. HERE’S HOW TO ENTER Follow Staveley Head on  Twitter  or like them on  Facebook Share your favourite (or funniest) memories of camping holidays by tweeting them @Staveley_Head  or posting on their Facebook Page   using the hashtag #CampingMemories– photos are welcome too! They’ll choose their favourite entry and announce the winner on the 24 th  August and that's it! I might have to tell them about the ants nest!
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Camp Bestival - my review of 2015

I’ve been quiet on the blog lately. It’s summer time (yes really, despite the weird weather) and so it is my favourite time, Festival Season. I started in May of course, then there was a long gap  (picture my sad face here) but then it was July and at the end of it there was Camp Bestival! Yippee! This year the headliners were the Kaiser Chiefs so with a huge dose of over excitement I had bought my tickets as soon as they were available. I once thought DD had grown too old for Camp Bestival, after all it’s Bestival’s younger sibling; a festival that caters for breastfeeding mums, tiny babies, toddlers, and over excited 4 year old Mr Tumble fans. But since the arrival of the Den and this year a really excellent lineup (my teen demanded a T shirt with the band list on the back this year, a sure fire way to check if your festival is ‘cool’) we are both back in love again, in fact DD has declared it once again has the top slot in her ‘favourite festivals’. We arrived on Thurs...
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Outdoor food on Friday - 14th August 2015

Due to my being at so many festivals I failed to add a linky last Friday. I hope that means lots of links this week! feel free to add a link to any post about eating outside - no matter how old that post is! Recipes and picnic ideas are especially desired at this time of year, but any post in which you ate outside is very welcome. Wilderness Festival was super at the weekend (proper blog posts about Camp Bestival and Wilderness to follow!) and of course I ate outside all of the time, everything from instant porridge ( just add boiling water, what a genius idea that is!) via slices of cake to hash browns, and bacon and duck egg butties. We also enjoyed some smokey toast - toasted over the flames from the chimney of the kelly kettle! Cheese at Wilderness Grab the badge for your blog and link up some foody posts. Thanks! center "> href =" http :// www . tentsandfestivals .co. uk /search/label/ ofof " title="Outdoor Food on Friday"> img src =...
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Tuesday Tip - The best position

Well it's late but I'm sneaking in a Tuesday tip! I apologise for the lack of posts - I've been under canvas and enjoying myself (so I'm not *that* sorry) at various festivals - posts about them to come! But Today's Tuesday Tip is all about positioning. When pitching a tent there are obvious things to try for such as a flat level area (at a festival this is often not possible and at Camp Bestival we camped on the side of a hill - ensuring we slept with the foot of our beds down the hill), I also favour not camping in a gully if there is even a chance of rain (or the chance of a leaking portable toilet at a festival!) yet not on the very top of a hill either as that can be a windy spot and there is always the thought of storms and lightning... On a hill Trees are another thing to steer safe of , try to pitch in the lee of a hedge or trees but not so close they can be blown on top of you or a stray branch could fall and damage the tent or you! At Wilder...
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