
Showing posts from November, 2013

You Dirty, Dirty girl...

Keeping clean at a festival. Ah to wash or not to wash, that is the question... Many people queue for the showers at a festival. The shower queue starts early and grows as the day goes on. Many people don't mind queueing it seems, especially if they have nothing to go and see during the day, many young festival goers are clubbers in the real world and therefore quite nocturnal! But if you are a parent is it worth the long (and often boring) wait with you kids? Is it essential to shower at all - or even wash, after all most festivals are only a few days. Shower before you leave and shower when you return should suffice surely? Oxford Playhouse at Wilderness Festival - Bath Time  Ah but the smell, the joyous aroma of unwashed bodies that have been sweating in a field and staggering through vomit, clinging to a grimy portable chemical toilet in the fading twilight... Camp Bestival  Yes maybe you have a point maybe you will need a wash at a festival. But queueing f...
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For the love of Crocs

They are not a popular shoe in many circles. The first time I saw a pair of Crocs was in a hospital environment, used as they are very spongy (so comfortable for those, like nurses, who are on their feet all day) and easily cleaned. They were (apparently) invented as a boat shoe. They don't absorb water, they are non slip on deck and if they fall off they float! They have holes around the edge to let water drain too! They are extremely ugly . No amount of fun colours is going to disguise that. But the Croc, the classic style clog with heel strap, is not a shoe that was ever made for beauty. It was made for function. And it's a little gem! You can slip a Croc on to bare feet or over socks, they will even fit on over a onesie (another fashion faux pas?). They are perfect for all seasons. And as a camper or festival goer you really should have a pair. Left by the door of the tent they are perfect for slipping on to nip to the toilet block at night. A little mud does not...
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