Feetz Pocket Wellies for festivals

You'll remember a while ago I mentioned stuff you don't need to take to a festival. I said 'anything with the word festival in front of it' and I think I may have mentioned plastic overshoes that were really just fancy bin bags.

DD modelling!
Well stop press! I have found something that is actually useful! I give you .... the pocket wellie! Yes I know, but wait. These are not just a plastic bag, they are tough, yet light and foldable. They really are a brilliant product. They come in their own little storage pouch and you can use them more than once!

So if you are the sort of festival goer that likes to sport funky footwear, canvas pumps, converse or  diamante flats rather than wellies you really should invest!

Easy to carry and quick to put on Feetz turn your existing footwear into wellies, they are also durable and reusable. Featuring an anti-slip and thick sole they will provide the protection you need from mud, water and snow. 

Not only useful for festivals of course, why not keep a pair in the car for the day you break down in slushy snow or rain and only have your suede loafers on!

Unlike other overshoes Feetz Pocket Festival wellies have a
proper sole, so they won't just tear through as you walk about. They come in 4 colours, White (the forensic scientist look - very Dexter too!) Pink, Yellow (ooh fireman!) and Blue.

Obviously you won't need a pair for Camp Bestival as it won't rain! But they are handy and I think I might get some Sharpies and make my pair into a rather funky and unique art pair! They'd be ideal as part of a fancy dress outfit as you could draw on them to match your theme!

You can buy a pair direct from Festival Feetz for £9.99

Disclosure - I was sent a couple of pairs of Feetz Pocket Festival Wellies to try for the purposes of this review. The opinions are my own.  

Read The Previous Post


  1. I'd give them to my DiL, I think she'd like white and wear them to Download

  2. I would have yellow, and I would wear them in Spain, it always rains when I go :)

  3. I would have white as that would remind me of my raving days. Then, I'd take them to the Just So Festival, but also to our gigs, either for me or for a spare for an audience member.

  4. I'd have white, as that would remind me of my raving days with white fluffy boots. I'd take them to outdoor gigs though in case anyone in the audience forgot wellies and wanted a pair when it inevitably chucks it down. I'd also take them to the Just So Festival.

  5. I'd have a rainbow pair to take to a sunny Camp Bestival :)


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