Memorable times

I recently filled in a survey for the Wilderness Festival team Always a good idea to get feedback form people that attend your events, especially if you then act on them.


One of the questions made me pause and think, ‘What was your most memorable moment at Wilderness?’


Not ‘what did you like most?’ or ‘what was the worst bit?’ but the most memorable. The thing that sticks in your mind, that festival moment (or moments) that you look back on. And there were a few.

Sitting in our camp chairs listening to Sam Smith in the rain was one, it bucketed it down, Sam apologised as though it was his fault, and humbly and sweetly thanked us for staying despite the weather. My chair broke and my ‘waterproof’ blanket leaked so I got a wet bum. But it was lovely anyway. Memorable.

One morning we wandered onto the site for breakfast and stumbled into a cinema screen showing of Singing in the Rain, it was a hot sunny day (did I mention the weather was WEIRD!) and we lay in the shade of an oak tree and watched a movie while I drank cocktails. Bliss.

On the Sunday DD was desperate to skate at the roller disco (she really loves the roller disco) and so I sat drinking Ginger Brewskys made by the lovely friendly lady at the Monkey Shoulder bar, while listening to various bands and gospel choirs. Relaxing.


We sat at the ‘post office’ and made silly postcards to have delivered to random strangers on site by the Wilderness Post Office team. Fun.

Did you go to any festivals this year? Cast your mind back, what is your most memorable moment.?

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