Amazing Giveaway! - Elderflowerfields Festival Tickets

Festival season is coming and first on my list this year is a bit of a 'spring fling'. A new festival for me so I'm quite excited! Here is what I know so far...

This year (2015) Elderflower Fields will take place from Friday 22nd to Monday 25th May (which is a bank holiday and the start of summer half term for most schools).

It is going to be held in Pippingford Park, in the heart of the Ashdown Forest. Pippingford is big, beautiful and wild! It’s got loads of space to run around in and stunning views across rugged heathland and ancient woods. Is also really easy to get to from both Brighton and London...

The tickets are currently at Early Bird prices and are

Adult Weekend –  £95 + booking fee
Child (5-16) Weekend –  £45 + booking fee
Under 5 Weekend –  £0 + booking fee

But I have some tickets to giveaway! (Do I hear you squeeeeee? are you excited yet?)

For nervous festival goers this could be a great first festival, they have flushing loos! and free hot showers (wimps) and while fires are not allowed there will be a communal camp fire where you can toast marshmallows and sing. (I don't think the singing is compulsory)

It's a family festival so expect fun but not too much drunkeness (just the odd stumbling mummy) and the lineup is already looking rather swell with my personal favourite Chap-Hopper Mr B the gentleman rhymer on the bill, along with Big Fish Little Fish, Mr Marvel, and a bit of Cajun music from Rough Chowder, but don't take my work for it, check out the lineup here

Watch the video (above) of the previous fun that was had at Elderflower Fields and ask yourself  'Isn't that what I should be doing in May?' if it is then use the RaffleCopter malarkey below to enter (check the T&Cs too) or if you simply cannot wait ...

then grab tickets with £10 off the ticket price with this code : ao24sm

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure - If you buy enough tickets via my discount code I get free beer.   :-) But I bought my own festival tickets. See you there!
Read The Previous Post


  1. I'd love to go back to Elderflower Fields this year... just can't afford it : (

  2. Because it looks such a cool festival! Would take the two boys and husband! Looks fabulous!

  3. Another great competition! We're proper brassic and would love to experience this festival having missed it last year.

  4. i am a camping novice. Last year was my first trip camping with a group of friends and kids. i went home a day early. This sounds more fun and lots of families. I would be going with OH and 2 kids and have already invited my camping friends to like the page on FB!

  5. I'm 35 now and waaaaay too old (not to mention achy and cranky after being unable to sleep) to enjoy camping at the big festivals these days, but I love smalller, chilled ones such as Elderflower Fields. I would take me lovely other half with me, as he doesn't drink so he can look after the wee ones while I check out the beer tent... ;)

  6. Loving the disclosure! I'm not a beer drinker so you will find me at the cocktail bar. x

  7. I missed out last year due to a lack of organisation, but this year I'd like to go with hubby, son - and my neighbours!

  8. love festival...and NEVER to old to camp !!!

  9. I really want to go to Elderflower this year as it's quite local to us and now that I'm less able being too far from home isn't great - hubby says it's accessible too which is fab! Friends have been and said what a great time they've had so it'd be daft not to at least try to go! I'll be taking my hubby and 3 of my daughters - aged 18, 9 & 7 - and if we win we'll be convincing the sis-in-law plus family to buy tickets!

  10. Looks like a small and chilled festival, just what we need! I'd take the other half, the tweenager, the toddler and the baby


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