For Sale : One much loved, hand painted tent

Some time ago when bidding on tents on Ebay I 'accidentally' bought two.

As one was sort of a spare DD and I decided to try our hand at decorating him (we named him Barry - he is a Bari3) We thought that if disaster struck and it all went wrong...well he was sort of expendable.

As it turned out painting him went brilliantly, he looked very swanky in his new livery and quickly became our festival tent of choice. He came with us to a fairy festival in Sussex, to Camp Bestival every year since 2010, to Wilderness 3 times, to Wadfest (where his groundsheet was nibbled by a vole! fixed with Duck tape) ...And every time he was admired, commented on and generally loved.

As DD and I had signed him (with our twitter handles) we even sometimes came back at the end of the day to find friendly notes slipped in under his flaps...

He stood up to the wind and the rain and the sunshine. He put up with me erecting him while I was tipsy on beer and being take down when I was in a hurry to get home.

When his pole got a bit wobbly I fixed it...and when the rubber stopper that stopped the pole puncturing the groundsheet fell off I fixed it with beer bottle cap and Duck tape (again). He has some sewing and tape repairs on his roof, he has repairs to the rain guard above the door, but he doesn't leak, he doesn't complain.

Barry has been with us through all manner of excitement but we have recently bought a new tent and now, sad as we are, we must make room in the tent stable and Barry must find a new home.

I have decided to list him on Ebay, it seems fitting as my tents usually come from there, and I will sell him with the added bonus that if I see him at a festival I will pop a can of beer under his flaps, and say hello if I see his new owner.

So watch out - I'll add a link here when I list him, if you need a festival tent you could do worse that Barry. He has festival life in his canvassy soul.

Update - Sold - went to Glastonbury - no idea if he survived, but a nice way to go if not.

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