Wilderness Festival Cricket Match

I'm planning a series of tips and memories. Something to keep us in touch with camping and festivals in months where there is little opportunity. So I'm starting with a fabulous memory. The Wilderness festival cricket match.

finger pointing sign

Taking place on both Saturday and Sunday mornings it is something that DD and I will not miss. Woe betide you if you are a band playing early for we will shun you in favour of the crack of leather on willow, the bruise of a ball hit to the boundary (actually happened, hit my leg and DD's head - we live to tell obviously)

What could be more British than a glass of G&T, a bacon butty, a red London bus, sunshine and cricket.

london bus in a field

I'll tell you what...comedy in a Carry On style, hilarious commentary, slightly posh, fey young men, trying on each others cricket boxes, small boys joining in the fun AND...


streaker at a cricket match british summer festival

cricket match british summer festival

streaker at a cricket match british summer festival

cricket match british summer festival

streaker at a cricket match british summer festival

streaker at a cricket match british summer festival

streaker at a cricket match british summer festival

player in kilt at a cricket match british summer festival

Is there any sight better in a sunny festival field.

Tickets for Wilderness are on sale now - see you there, polish your balls.
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