Sometimes it snows in April.

I blame Prince. Sometimes it snows in April indeed. This year is one of those years. After the sudden death of Prince and the selfish realisation I'll never see him at a festival it was time to listen to lots of his music all over again. April.

Now we all know Prince wasn't singing about camping. But it's what I think about a lot, and I have been thinking that it's about time to get the tents down out of the loft to check them for any damage (moths and mould are the enemy here - and while I use insecticide blocks in the loft and I putt the tents away dry, I'm always nervous). Even the Mr who doesn't camp has said it's time I checked them, which really means having a mini festival in the garden with all the tents erected for a few days (maybe I should have invited friends?)

And then today, 25th April, there is snow. It's crazy. Ah well, I've camped in cold and I've always wanted to camp in snow so I shall try not to be put off, though torrential rain may delay things. We shall see. So this weekend, weather permitting. There will be erections. I'll take the actress said to the bishop.

field of tents at a festival

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