My list of 5 'Must Sees' at Camp Bestival this year

Every year I plan lots of things to see at Camp Bestival and we usually manage about 50%. Mainly because the festival is large, we are easily distracted and extremely lazy.

So I'm making a list this year of just 5 things that I absolutely MUST see.

  1. The Chuckle Brothers. It may surprise you to know that I love their silly slapstick humour. But with the state of the world today I think that a few custard pies, dropped paint tins and mishaps with ladders is just what we need to lighten the mood. To me, to you...
  2. Tears for Fears. Huge blast from my past and a retro delight, cannot wait to sing along, after all, everybody wants to rule the world...
  3. Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer, I am quite frankly in awe of this chap. Totally spiffing and a fine purveyor of chap hop. not to be missed by anyone in my opinion. Fine moustaches.
  4. Jasper Carrot. Another from my childhood, I'm hoping he's as funny as I remember.
  5. Eddie the Eagle. A change for me, interesting to find out more about something we Brits love, a brave failure.

I'll let you know if I manage 100% of my plans this year!

Have you checked out the lineup? Who would your top 5 be? Pop over to Facebook and let me know, or tweet me at Tentsniffer on Twitter.
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