Camp Bestival Planning

As you know I find half the fun of a festival in the planning and the preparation. Don't get me wrong, the festival is the best bit, but all the sorting of camping stuff, thinking about fancy dress (in 2012 I dressed as a horse!) , deciding on food and things to take for 'emergencies' - I love all that too.

So today I'm rounding up some advice from other Camp Bestival bloggers, both old hands and newer ones, in case I have forgotten any thing, and to spy on their plans. Hopefully it will help you plan for festivals too.

flower garland

As a mum with a teen I look forward to more free time now, and even the odd relax in a chair while the lovely teen queues for the food! If only she was 18 and could bring me beer too, but sadly I'll have to wait a couple of years for that. But I'm planning on having at least one meal brought to me as I lay in the sun.

teen festival trolley

Over at A Residence Blog there are food plans afoot too as Penny is thinking more about the food lineup than the music lineup! (and who can blame her)

food feast collective at camp bestival

While Polly at Enchanted Pixie, much like me, is planning her 'must see' line up - I'm delighted to see the insect Circus high on the list - one of my absolute favourites! And I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to hear Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer again!

The Parenting Trials have a top 5 things they are looking forward to and of course, top of the list is fancy dress, well why wouldn't it be! Pop over to see what the other 4 are.

One of my top tips when at a festival as a family is to take some time to look at what's on, and ensure that everyone gets to pick at least one thing per day that they really want to do. You might convince your 4 year old to listen to a few songs at the Bandstand if they know they are promised Mr Tumble later!
chuckle brothers camp bestival

Over at 'My Gorgeous Boys' you can see some past photos including some rather awesome tree climbing! to set the mood.

While 'You Baby Me Mummy' has a list of an incredible 22 things that a 2 year old loves about Camp Bestival (just in case you thought your toddler may be too young to appreciate it all!)

baby chill out sign

And last of all check out the Top 10 extras to bring to Camp Bestival that 76Sunflowers recommends (number 1 is the only one I don't take - but at least I now know where to turn if I need one!)

Do follow me on twitter or pop over and 'like' my Facebook page..and maybe I'll see you at Camp Bestival? (I'll be mostly in the Jam Jar Cocktail bar)

jam jar cocktail gin and tonic

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