Love it or hate it - we need to change the way we use glitter

You can't have escaped the news lately about microplastics and their effect on the planet. First we were told about microbeads in cosmetics, now it is the turn of glitter to be in the spotlight. First a school was reported as having banned glitter and while, like many people, my initial thought was 'what on earth?' I realise now that glitter is small but deadly. In fact as far back as last summer I had been thinking about glitter.

While it hadn't really occurred to me that all glitter use was bad, I was aware that flinging glitter (tiny non-biodegradable pieces of plastic) into the environment was bad, so I didn't hold with the ridiculous idea of 'magic reindeer food' at Christmas time, and I had started thinking that festival body glitter would have to go.

Each year I marvel at the beauty of the young people at festivals covered in body paint and gorgeous glitter and sequins and the last few years I have taken my own to wear too. But it did occur to me that this was washed off in a field....and then what? Eaten by animals, invertebrates, birds, irritating their stomachs and surely doing no good at all.

Even before the glitter problem had hit the news I had been hunting around for some biodegradable glitter so I was thrilled to find a supplier with reasonably priced stock that also looked gorgeous. Next year I will going to a few festivals (Camp Bestival is a certain, others yet to be confirmed) and I will be glittery but hopefully, especially as Camp Bestival is sea themed, I won't be polluting water sources or damaging wildlife. Amazon has biodegradable glitter too (affiliate link)

Will you be changing the way you use glitter both at home and at festivals? I'm already looking at Christmas cards and rejecting glittery ones.

Photo Copyright: january89 / 123RF Stock Photo and mrakor / 123RF Stock Photo
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