Exciting bucket list news

As you may (or may not) know, while I am a tent enthusiast, my teen daughter is less so. For years she has craved a camper van, but at over £10,000 for even a tiny second hand one they were never an option for me. After all, I'm a 'grab a second hand tent for under £30 on eBay' kind of girl normally. (i.e. cheap)

But then last year it rained at Camp Bestival and we spent more time in the tent and were wetter and colder and muddier than normal.

Now don't get me wrong, a festival in the rain is still a festival and still awesome. I still loved the bands and the drinking and the mooching about. Even the mud is a fun experience, but as I am getting older I need to sit more and to sit comfortably and while we did have the 'sofa' I sometimes crave a 'proper seat'...if only it had been drier the Caravanserai would have been perfect!

Last year I had actually had a hunt around for a camper van, but most companies wanted you to rent for at least a week, and also they had set changeover days (which is fine of course and makes perfect sense for a holiday business) this is useless for a festival, many festivals start midweek or near the end of a week and yet finish on a Monday, so a Saturday - Saturday rule would mean hiring for two weeks! and some charged £800 a week...so...back to then tent.

And then I found Leisure Rentals Direct, a bit like AirBnB but for camper vans. A perfect place for camper van owners to make a little money renting out vans that might otherwise sit idle, and a great place for me to hire a camper!

Not all of the vans are privately owned, but many are and most have really flexible hiring terms, with minimums often only a couple of days and totally flexible start dates. They are listed all over the country so that you can choose one near you, or drive to your chosen start point and collect the camper there! (a brilliant idea if collection and drop off times are tight, as you can collect near to the festival) There are all sorts of rules along with the hire of course, being over 25, having been driving for over 2 years etc etc (ah finally a perk to being old!) But these rules rather reassured me that the whole thing had been thought through.

And so this year, for Camp Bestival, DDs dream has come true and I can cross 'driving and camping in a VW camper van' from my bucket list.

Introducing ...Molly, a cute pink VW camper! Watch out for plenty of photos!

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