Cornbury Festival

Cornbury festival is a new festival for me. All I knew about it before I investigated it a bit more this year was what I had read in the Guardian, and that was that David Cameron went to it. So I am imagining a festival that is slightly posh I think! Maybe my ballgown won't be dressy enough...

I'm looking at photos online from previous years, to get ideas as to what is the dress code, Wilderness festival is very much a sparkles and glitter festival, Camp Bestival is a silly 'any thing goes' sort of festival, but will Cornbury be tea dresses and lounge suits or fancy dress and jeans?

The Travel Loving Family blog make it look rather like a giant summer fete or picnic, smart casual wear, a relaxed feel and gorgeous weather! I hope that continues.

Festival Kidz review seems to suggest the same, with plenty of crafts to get involved in, I hope having a small child isn't essential to take part as I love a bit of crafting and I'll be with my teen.

Emma and 3 has cheered me with her assertion that tutus are a must! Hurrah, I love a tutu and now I have the perfect excuse, if it's chilly I can pop one on over my jeans.

So festival wear seems jeans and T shirts, with added frills - perfect. I shall pack a few summer frocks and pray for sun. I'm already imagining sipping a G&T in the gorgeous Tew Estate, sitting decorously on my checkered picnic blanket. I shall also take the lovely new cardigan with flamingos on that I recently bought in Primark (not posh).

I shall now just have to try and decide which acts I really can't miss and start hoping they don't clash. I know that DD is as keen as I am to see Alanis Morissette and I have adored Caro Emerald for so long, I'm really excited to see her live.

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