Cornbury Festival 2019 - a review

Cornbury Festival 2019

Fancy a new festival? Looking for a festival for grown ups that is still child friendly yet not full of teenagers? I think that the Cornbury festival might be just what you need. This year, once again the weather was amazing. Glorious sunshine always helps at a festival. (though mud and rain can make for some fun memories) This year DD and I pitched up in our usual spot on the corner near the comedy tent and the bar, just a 2 minute walk to the breakfast bus, complete with vegan fried breakfast sandwiches and cups of tea.

Cornbury Festival 2019

The general feel of the festival is one of middle class fun. Like a gorgeous English fete with music and a funfair and great food. We listened to the Beach Boys on a sunny afternoon, a wonderful moving set with the Kingdom Choir on the Sunday and Keane and The Specials played too. Much of our day was always spent wandering, cocktail in hand (in a reusable glass), people watching or shopping for jewellery or sequinned fancy costumes.

Cornbury Festival 2019

One day DD decided the funfair was the place to be, we went on the waltzer (and you know it's a real waltzer as the guys walk the ride, spinning the cars), upon getting off we spent a few nauseous minutes gathering ourselves, before DD went on an extreme ride I don't even want to think about.

Just after leaving the ride DD realised her brand new iPhone was missing, fallen from her pocket! Much searching and sobbing followed. But we needen't have worried. A kind person had handed the phone in to security and a lovely helpful security guy had accessed the phone, seen the "this phone is lost please call xxxxxxx" message and rang me less than an hour after it was lost. I do love a friendly honest festival crowd.

We also enjoyed the comedy afternoons and evenings, especially some Edinburgh fringe act previews and Lost Voice Guy from BGT.
Cornbury Festival 2019 tea tent
Tea Tent

Altogether a spiffing festival! Full of gin and laughter, lacking drugs and vomit. There is a kids area for the little ones and the whole site feels very friendly. Grab tickets for next year here - see you there?

I was gifted tickets for this festival but all views and words are my own.
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