Live, Laugh, Learn

This post is an entry for the Visit Wales #Wales4Kids Family Holiday Challenge. Wales is the perfect place for a fun-filled family break.

As you know Dear Reader, I adore 'the camping'. I love tents and the wild open spaces..

I love it for many many reasons, it's cheap, it's proper 'feeling alive and at one with nature' (sorry I am a hippy at heart) and it's a great relaxing 'time-free' environment, where one can chill, drink beer, read a book, watch wildlife, snooze...

Or be really active! Run about, build camps, build a fire, catch bugs, damn streams, catch crabs...hang on, this sounds  like things that kids do! Well yes, camping is the perfect time to release your 'inner-child'. Play about, be silly! And it's a great time for children of all ages to try new things and learn some extra responsibilty. Yes, really.

Suddenly washing up is fun in a bucket in a field. Preparing a meal over an open fire is a challenge not a bore, and depending on the age of the child you can almost let them run the place! My young teen camped with her cousins and me last summer. They were happy to take over the cooking for an evening (with minimal supervision) letting us grown ups drink beer relax and enjoy the quiet

So what has camping taught my daughter? Well she has learned the best way to go crab fishing, how to fly a kite, she has learned to light a fire, to toast marsh mallows, to light a camp stove, she has learned how to pick up a toad! And how to wash up in a bucket. How to keep warm in a tent. How to set up a camp bed, how to pitch a tent...

Wales is a full of lovely places to hike and walk. We have holidayed in Wales in cottages before and had great fun but I think maybe we need to try camping there, maybe I will learn things! Like how to pitch a tent on a slope, how to get tent pegs into hard rock, how to keep sheep out of your food stash!

Why not follow @visitwales on Twitter or Visit Wales on Facebook ( I'm sure you'll find some other ideas!

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