Barry the Tent's Erection

I realise that I have blogged about how to put up my Cabanon Pyramide IV tent (known to his friends as Wilfred) but I haven't really given as much time to Barry (my Bari3) although Barry did get the thrill of being painted (by me and DD! See that story here) and he stars in many festival blog posts and pictures. He is a little trickier to erect as he has an internal horizontal pole and I'm never sure if I should erect the inner first...I bough Barry on ebay and he has no instructions!

So here are pictures of today's garden erection as a test before festival season kicks off.

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 First, Barry has his own canvas holdall

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 Inside the outer is wrapped in the inner so that the groundsheet is on the outside, the poles are around the bundle, in the bag. All is tipped out onto the grass.

tent poles on the grass
 The poles are numbered, they are sorted and slotted together, except for the long horizontal pole, I tend to add that and then connect it up. It seems easier if you are putting the tent up on your own

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 The inner is arranged on the pitch, check the open end is where you want the front of the tent to be! Lay the outer over the top.

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 Peg down the corners of the outer, ensure it's roughly in a rectangular shape.

tent pegs and mallet on the grass
 Check you have spare rubber bands, they perish and need replacing regularly. Check your tent pegs, this style of tent needs lots.

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 Add the centre pole carefully threading the point on the top through the eyelets on the inner and outer tent skins.

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 Do the same for the back pole, carefully attach the horizontal pole between them, suspending the inner skin from it in the middle.

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 Peg all the rubber bands tight around the base (make sure the tent doorway is zipped shut at this stage or you may not be able to fasten it later!. Add the two front poles and secure them with guy ropes (I seem to have lost one! I shall buy a replacement)

erecting a Bari 3 tent
 Peg out the inner tent. And check everything is upright

erecting a Bari 3 tent
Check it's all tight and secure, job done, drink beer.

Festival tent. Sorted.

Edited to add - sadly I have now sold Barry to make room for new tents, I still miss him.
Read The Previous Post


  1. Barry is very pretty did you paint him or did he come like that?

    1. Yes, we painted him, I've added a link now ;) it was great fun!

  2. Barry is indeed a beautiful chap! It's many years since I handled an erection like that, but I agree it's a job best done alone. saves many arguments (no NOT like that! It doesn't go in there, what are you doing????)


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