Deciding to go to Camp Bestival or any festival

The first in a series of short posts about Camp Bestival and festival season. To prepare and excite the reader.
Choosing your festival.
So you want to go to a festival. Maybe you've been to lots, maybe you've never been. How do you decide which one to attend?Budget - no matter how fabulous and good value a festival maybe you are probably constrained by a budget. See what you can afford. Take into account how many people will be attending in your party. Will you need to buy any extras? (eg tents, extra sleeping bags etc) Are there ways you can save such as taking your own food?
Festivals vary in price from the extremely cheap (I'm off to Wadfest this year £25 for a weekend of mayhem! and kids go free!) to the very pricey. They are usually great value and the more expensive festivals are jam packed with free things to do and great bands. Some people combine the festival with the rest of the week at a campsite and make it their main family holiday.
Check out eFestivals online as a way to see what is available in your area to save on travel costs.
Shopping at a festival can be very tempting too - plan in advance if you will be shopping and pack accordingly, take money if you think you will need it but remember that larger festivals often have cashpoint machines (they may charge a transaction fee) and lots of shops, even at festivals, can take cards.
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