Camp Bestival Blog post round up

I would like to introduc you to some of the other bloggers I know that are going to be at Camp Bestival - there are various family sizes, various ages of children and they have different tastes to me (though I suspect they all fancy Mr Tumble - I mean, who doesn't?)  so it should be interesting to read their Camp Bestival blog posts

So here are some fun folk to check out.

Penny at A Residence - even sharing a picture of me and DD!

Mammasaurus - tempting you to join us with some ace photos!

Love Life and Pixels - more excited by the day!

76 Sunflowers - a regular festival goer and fancy dress expert (probably)

Munchies and Munchkins - complete with adorable new baby

My Gorgeous Boys - for the rough and tumble side of festivals

Hello it's Gemma - talking food!

and of course there will be bits and bobs about the festival over at my main blog - Random Rantings

So a few things for you to read before tomorrow's post. Keep up at the back!

Read The Previous Post


  1. Oh I cannot wait - not long to go now *honks like a wild goose*

    Thanks for the mention lovely x


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