Volunteering at a festival

Some festivals are pretty pricey. That's not to say they are bad value, just that with so many artists over so many days the price creep up. You get your money's worth, of that I have no doubt, but realistically, however great the value, not everyone can afford to go to all the festivals they would like to.

Ecover Recycled art bee at Glastonbury
but there is a way to see a few more if you are happy to help out a bit, or even work! Festivals need clean up teams and there are lots of charities that work with festivals to spread their message, they often need helpers and often you can get a pass for a whole festival if you are prepared to work a few hours a day.

And you'll be helping a charity so you can feel good too.

Check out some of these options for ideas.

Oxfam (deposit required, but refunded when you've finished working at the festival)

Action Aid at Reading

Vinspired - Various Festival ideas

Good luck
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