Elderflower Fields Festival - a first timer's review

So our first festival of the year this year has been and gone (and doesn't time fly when you are having fun!)

DD and I took our new tent to the Elderflower Fields Festival. We arrived on the Friday, straight after school (so about 5pm) thus missing some of the gigs and the film showing of Malificent *sad face*

But after sorting out our wristbands (delayed due to a power cut!) we set off with our stuff to pitch up. We found a spot by a pond, and like all festivals it was busy but friendly. We sorted out pitch in two trips to the car with the festival trolley (steep hills!) and by about 8pm we were all done. We were also tired out! So we ate and then dozed about, sat around and generally did nothing at all until bedtime - lazy campers! (and did I mention they have flushing toilets and FREE showers?)

On the Saturday we woke early and discovered we had no gas for the cooker! How spiffing that Elderflower Fields had realised this would happen and had arranged for the Lewes Outdoor shop to have a shop on site! Gas bought we went into the main festival area and ate some local bacon in a bap.

Wood Fired Pizza
At this point I need to say that a lot of what we did revolved around eating and lazing about - I gained 3 lbs over the weekend.

So, things we did over the Saturday and Sunday, included, walking in the woods, watching people build mud huts, eat wood fired pizza, drink alcohol, dress up, listen to The Kings Parade (excellent live band), drink Turkish delight flavour hot chocolate, eat ice cream, listen to Two Man Ting in the woods, wander the woods and look at the art, take silly photos at the photo booth tree, sleep, meet lovely friendly people and eat delicious local food at the big picnic, watch the Paddington movie (yes I cried in public at a kids film!) listen the Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer (love him, bought a cd too) and probably lots of things I have forgotten too...

So will we be going again next year? Of course we will!!

Find out more about Elderflower Fields at their website 

'Like' Elderflower Fields on Facebook ; Or follow them on twitter https://twitter.com/ElderflowerFest

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
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  1. This looks so cool, it's exactly the kind of thing I would love to do with my boys when they're older. I am shuddering at the thought of the trips from car to pitch, that was always the worst part of the whole festival experience. Wood fired pizzas would definitely tempt me! #countrykids

  2. This looks like a lovely little festival! Funnily enough I've just compiled my favourite 5 family festivals — our twins are two and they'll be off to their 2nd (4 day) festival again in August!! :) I LOVE it. What a glorious, happy, magical way to spend a weekend! :) #Country Kids

    Caro | www.thetwinklediaries.co.uk

  3. I love festivals! This one looks so much fun! We have attended some last year and we are planning on attending them again. #countrykids

  4. Coombe Mill (Fiona)31 May 2015 at 21:54:00 BST

    I've never been to a festival, I think the tent bit puts me off but I love the idea of the day time activities. sounds like a great way to enjoy a long weekend and really feel cut off from things. Thank you for sharing your first of the season on Country Kids.

  5. Wow - this looks great! And I love the phrase 'tent sniffing ...'! #countrykids

  6. thanks for popping by!

  7. lots of festivals now do day tickets - you should try and find one near you :-)

  8. thanks for stopping by - I was looking back over my posts and looking forward to new festivals, this one seems far away now!


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