Outdoor Food on Friday - July 24th 2015

This weekend I'm at home, but last weekend I was in a field with gin and literature at a rather fabulous festival in Hampshire (more of that later!) The food as it happened was not a highlight of the festival unfortunately, as while it was very nice, it was quite limited, and possibly due to that some stalls ran out of food on Saturday night leaving us with only a 'take it or leave it' option. Luckily the option was hummus in pitta with salad, and haloumi fries! so not all bad. And of course there was always gin.

Until the other week when I had a lovely vegan recipe linked up I hadn't considered the way a festival can restrict your choices. I shall be looking out for vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free offerings at Camp Bestival from next Thursday and shall report back. I'm lucky enough to have no allergies, and as I eat meat I confess I've not thought about this before, but at this recent festival we took one of DD's vegetarian friends and it's changed my outlook a bit. I'd love your thoughts on festival food and allergies, and options.

But as usual, there is no theme to the linky except the great outdoors and food!

Have you eaten outside this week? Cooked outside? I'd love you to link up. Do grab a badge for your blog and join up using the linky below. Spread the word!.

Outdoor Food on Friday

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  1. Great idea, I've bookmarked this and will be figuring out a post soon.


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