Newbie Camping Guide

A few people come to this blog to find advice and info when they are new to camping. I realised that finding relevant things (as opposed to me waffling on about my love of nature or the noises at a festival) might take a while so I thought I'd add some links here to posts I feel would be helpful to a new camper. Of course they are useful to us all! Even I find I use the site as a aide memoire at times. So without further ado:

Choosing a tent You might think that for 2 people a 2 man tent is what you need, but don't be fooled! That is how many people can lay down and sleep in a tent and may not include any living space at all. Fine for a festival, not so fine for a week away if it rains for two days! Always check a plan diagram of the tent and allow some extra space if you plan to be in the tent for more than just sleeping. An extra bedroom makes a great storage area too.

My (never ending) List of things you need to take is here.

Beds and sleep. Another post about sleeping - at festivals, and another about kids and sleep at festivals

The mysteries of EHU - Electric Hook up!

Cooking when camping - your options

More to be added - feel free to let me know subjects you'd like covered, either on my Twitter or Facebook page

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