Blackgang chine is a wonderful day out for all the family

Last time we went camping was to the Isle of Wight, and while it poured with rain pretty much the whole 4 days we were there, there was one day that fun was had by all. We went to Black Gang Chine.

In case you are wondering, a Chine is a narrow gully or gorge normally with a stream that cuts through it and runs into the sea, this is particularly dramatic if the cliff face is made of clay or sand. These are common on The Island around the South East/South West coastline. Many of these Chines date back in history.

The word Chine comes from the Saxon word 'Cinan' which means a gap or yawn.The Blackgang Chine Theme Park is located near to where the chine used to be in Victorian times and before. This has been reclaimed by the sea due to devastating effects of Landslip. This area was some 300 metres further out to sea than it is today. The Blackgang Fantasy Park has long been an attraction to go and see especially with children.

I haven't been there since I was about 10 and so my memory of it was mainly lots of winding paths, plants and some large fibreglass dinosaurs, and maybe a Cowboy town? I was delighted to find that the dinosaurs have come to life (they are now animatronic and really quite excellent) and the Cowboy town still exists. There was also a roller coaster, and lots of food outlets, loads of fun games and things to do...well it's hard to put it into words, so here is a feel for our day.

danger dinosaur sign Blackgang chine

T rex Blackgang chine

warning sign Blackgang chine

smiling dinosaur Blackgang chine

warning sign Blackgang chine

spider fear Blackgang chine

cask and weevil Blackgang chine

mermaid Blackgang chine

fibreglass horse cowboy town Blackgang chine

Blackgang chine

Blackgang chine

Blackgang chine

Blackgang chine

Dodo Blackgang chine

hedge maze Blackgang chine

Blackgang chine

Blackgang chine

limpets Blackgang chine

dragon video Blackgang chine

autumn sprite Blackgang chine
It was excellent value for money and I wouldn't hesitate to go back.

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