Outdoor food on Friday - October 2nd - foraging

Autumn is upon us! It’s October and I have fallen behind with my blog posts due to slacking but also time, I seem to be always on the go! Grabbing 5 minutes to tweet is not so hard, but finding a chunk of time, an hour or so to blog seems almost impossible.

The long lazy days of summer festivals seems far away. But I’ve seen a few blogs in the last few weeks where people have been cooking and eating not only food cooked outside but food they have been picking and gathering with their own fair (or muddy) hands.

Earlier in September I picked both apples and pears from the trees in our garden and made some crumble and also some apple pancakes, both delicious. Does hand picked food really taste better or do we imagine that?

I haven’t made sloe gin for several years but that’s another fine foraging food idea (gin is a food right?). I haven’t even managed to pick any blackberries this year, always good to give an apple pie some extra colour and also great in cakes. We have a gooseberry bush in the garden so we had gooseberries though.

Have you been foraging? Have you eaten anything that you picked yourself this autumn? I draw the line at fungi as I don’t know enough about them to be 100% sure – but berries I’m quite clued up on. And for those less adventurous there are always ‘pick your own’ style farms and orchards.

Do link up your blog posts of recipes, outdoor eating and food foraging. I’d love to see what you’ve been up to. Grab the badge code too!

(Next week – slow gin recipe and the perils of making your own booze)
TentSniffing for Beginners

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