Rain at a festival - can you be dry and trendy?

Yesterday's post about waterproof jackets made me think about festivals too. I don't know about you but I try and look a teensy bit cool and quirky (let's face it, weird!) at festivals so a proper hiking jacket while eminently practical is sort of not what I want to be wearing. But if rain strikes (as it did for the whole  of Sam Smith's set at Wilderness) you do get pretty bedraggled.

But what to do? Umbrellas are an option, golf umbrellas are a bit of a no-no though as just SO huge and unwieldy, after a few gins you could easily have someones eye out! I personally favour the option that the Queen loves, the clear dome style umbrella, good in the wind and less likely to remove someones eyeball as the ends of the spokes point down, not out. I saw someone with a gorgeous birdcage style at Wilderness and just had to own one! It's by Lulu Guiness and I adore it - there are other styles in the range too and they are just super, large, robust, beautiful and practical.
After an umbrella there is the coat option of course, DD has opted for a plastic Minnie Mouse Poncho from Primark and I do rather like the look of the totally clear plastic coats available on ebay, with little ears on the hood! A poncho is always a good standby though as it will slip over the most outlandish festival wear (or onesie) and still do the job!

I toyed with inventing an umbrella / shower curtain combo, only to find it had already been invented!

What do you wear to stay dry at festivals? Or do you just revel in the muddiness of it all?
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