Festival Planning - How very Curious

The sun has been shining for 10 minutes so I'm instantly planning for festivals I'm off to this year. Starting with The Curious Arts Festival in the lovely New Forest. Running from Friday 22nd July until Sunday 24th in the grounds of Pylewell Park, I cannot stress strongly enough how lovely this festival is. It's not a full blown music and drugs affair, more a gentle meander though fields to some melodic relief as you sip a G and T.

Rather than a rush of sex starved groupies to the back of the tents for a grab at a pop star you'll be more likely to see people wandering unhurredly over to the ice cream van, glass of bubbly in hand, hoping to chat to their favourite author who is lounging in the sun on a deckchair.
Books hanging from a tree by ribbon curious arts festival
 For this is a polite festival, a festival of art and culture. With deckchairs strategically placed around the grounds of a gorgeous stately home and snail races on the lawn. A festival where you can share a fried haloumi snack with an author and his dog chat about poetry, read, snooze...
dog sleeping on the grass festival
But this is not to say it is a posh festival, or a boring festival (after all, they let me in!) it is full of comedy, both in the tents and about the grounds. There is madness and mahem a-plenty, also fancy dress (or a slightly refined air it's true, grab a ballgown chaps and join us!) lots of alcohol, and of course music and dancing.
festival tent bunting music dancing
It's a lovely relaxed festival where you can decide to take in as much or as little culture as you please (the same goes for ice cream). Camping is included in the ticket price and last year there was loads of room, on flat, unhilly terrain, close to the car park. Children under 13 can attend free with a paying adult so it's a perfect place to bring the family. You can even bring dogs as long as they remain well behaved and on leads. With activities, art, book readings, author talks, camping, fields, walks, snail races (they were a real thing!) music, comedy, drinks and food there is no real reason NOT to come to this super festival. I'll be starting my festival season with it and I can't wait. The line up is unfolding here and you can buy tickets here

Ticket Prices:
  • Friday Day Ticket (includes evening) – £40
  • Saturday or Sunday Day Ticket (includes evening) – £45
  • Evening only Ticket – £20
  • Full weekend ticket – £120 (only £95 until 31st March - quick, save money, buy early!)
  • Family Ticket – £300
  • Children under 13 – Free
Disclosure - I've been invited to attend the festival as a guest, but I have not been paid to write this post, and it's all my own work.
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