Getting Ready for Camping

So each day brings us closer to the day we can get the tent out and I can't help but think there is bound to be something we need to buy as soon as we check our camping gear. I don't know about your kit but I'm sure mine either falls apart or is stolen by leprechauns over the winter. I always find missing tent pegs, a guy line oddly too short, or missing rolls of duck tape.
pyramid tent with smoke

tent with bunting

Assuming you struggle with the same pain I'm going to run a giveaway for a £10 Amazon voucher - enabling you to buy a tin of reproofer, some insect spray or a new hat - whatever you feel your camping kit needs.

tent with flash giveaway £10 voucher

Enter using the RaffleCopter thingy below. UK only. Ends 27th March 2016
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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