Spring is in the air

This poor neglected blog is feeling the spring creeping along it's edges, ruffling the grasses. The sun is shining, promising butterflies, warm nights and catkins. Everywhere in our garden new shoots are emerging, I've had to mow the lawn once already - dashing out between hail showers to do it. And soon, very soon, I will find an excuse to get the tents out of the loft for a check up.

ivy on a tree

The one downside of canvas tents is the nervous fear that maybe they weren't BONE DRY when you put them away. That maybe mould or decay (or, as once happened, a mouse!) has crept into the fabric of the tent, damaging it. Last year I left Wilfrid wrapped up for only 3 days while he was wet and when I unfurled him I was horrified to find orange mould. I have since cleaned, scrubbed and dried him, but I admit I'm worried.
canvas pyramid tent lichfield

The spring sunshine calls to the canvas and soon my garden lawn will look like a mini festival. And then I will have the excuse of eating outdoors again. So I have decided to resurrect the 'Outdoor Food on Friday' linky for the summer. Starting from Friday 1st April 2016.  It will remain a weekly Friday event (with nagging and reminders)  but the linky itself will run for a month, giving you plenty of time to add a recipe, or an outdoor picnic tale or four before each one closes. I'd love you to join in. It's a fun way to find new food ideas or to laugh at peoples wasp horror stories. If you fancy it, why not grab a badge for your blog, and start thinking of those outdoor meals.

Tent Sniffing for Beginners

As always, if you are seized with an urge to comment, find me on Twitter or Facebook for a natter.
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