A review of a great easy pitch tent the Trespass Qiktent

At the end of every festival I attend I enjoy watching people who, on day one, smugly erected an instant 'pop up' tent, and now on day 5 are struggling to get it back into its bag!

I have seen swearing, family rows, anger, broken tents, ripped bags, tents crammed into cars still semi erect, even tents just dumped in fury and left at the festival.

I envy these people on day one, but always remember on day 5 why I don't have a pop up tent.

If only there was a tent that was quick to put up, but just as quick to put down.

Well it turns out there is!

Trespass sent me a 2 man Qiktent to review and as soon as it arrived DD and I excitedly erected it in the living room! It was super fast, and then, equally super fast, we packed it away again! Good gracious, we were sold on the whole idea. And so we decided to take it with us to the Wilderness Festival in Oxfordshire. Initially we planned just to pitch it and maybe use it for storage as it's small, but in the end DD was so taken with it she decided to make it her home for four days.

I rarely make videos but I couldn't believe how fast and simple the Qiktent was to erect and pack down, and knew you wouldn't believe it either unless you could witness it - so here is the evidence, and a chat with DD about why she loved it.

The tent is super fast to erect, it's also fast and easy to pack away, it's light, it is cute. It  has a porch area for muddy shoes or your rucksack. As a two man tent it has space for two to sleep but no extra space (except the porch area) so you would need to be good mates to share. But for a single camper it is the perfect tent, enough space to sleep and store your kit. Also great as a second (or third!) small tent for your teens to have a private sleeping area.

Like any nylon tent it can get condensation on the inside in the morning if it's cold out, and it heats quickly in the sun, but it has easy open windows at either end with fly screens, and a fly screen over the sleeping area door, so it's quick to cool down and air the tent.

The sleeping area is a sealed unit with attached groundsheet so no danger of creepy crawlies in the tent, and of course, the inner and outer skins are all attached to the frame for that super speedy erection. The outer is waterproof to 3000hh which is pretty impressive, and will cope with all the UK weather can throw at it.

It's not a particularly cheap tent at £74.99 but I would say that is worth paying for the simplicity and ease of use of the tent, you won't worry about using it even for a brief stay. A great festival tent, or a tent for a couple of nights, it would be excellent if you are hiking or biking and staying in a different spot each night, arriving late and tired it would be just the tent you need to take all the strain out of pitching.

The Qiktent is no longer available but similar style tents can be found on Amazon

Disclosure - I was sent the tent in exchange for an honest review.

Let me know what you think over on my  Facebook page , or tweet me at Tentsniffer on Twitter.
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