Review of the first PDSA Petlife festival

I hope the PDSA Petlife Festival becomes a regular event. Blessed with glorious sunshine the festival was a riot of doggy fun. Plenty of shady spots and paddling pools for the pooches to keep cool, and enough space to wander comfortably, the festival felt spacious and well managed.

Water bowls were placed almost every 5 metres, free snack samples (for dogs), agility courses, lectures, vets on hand for chats and advice, police dog displays, the list was endless for doggy fun, there was even dog diving in a large deep pool!

blue pool

If I have a moan (and no festival is ever going to be perfect) the organisers need to remember to enforce their own rules fairly. Declaring 'no chairs' and 'no picnics' to be brought in is fine, but extremely annoying when you later see people that appear to have come in with both!

Small border terrier and girl in sun glasses on a blanket on grass
Fizz and Raffy relax in the shade

And on the subject of picnics, if we are not allowed to bring food in then organisers need to think more about people food! While dogs were extremely well catered for, the human food offerings were less that great. No vegan options apart from chips and even the meat options were very limited. More food next year please!

bulldog puppy

But it was a great idea to hold the festival at the race course as there was great infrastructure there already, nice toilets and plenty of different areas that worked as 'rooms' with different themes, from the quiet areas to the main stage area, where the bands played late into the evening, excellent music selections and a good idea to keep dogs far back from the stage, Fizz and I snoozed on a giant deckchair while DD went down to the barrier to see The Vamps and Jessie J.

small border terrier and woman on large deckchair

We even managed to fit in a little shopping at the PDSA vintage clothing stall and we picked up some herbal anxiety medicine for nervous Fizz from Lintbells. (I'll let you know if it works!)
weird dog

It was a great day out and well work the ticket price (£38 each) and the three hour drive each way. We arrived home tired but happy and Fizz enjoyed an almost 24 hour nap to recover!

staffordshire bull terrier on grass

border terrier in a bandana
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