Eating outdoors for the first time this year - Outdoor Food on Friday

Eating outside doesn't have to be a grand afair. During the winter I have let the Outdoor Food on Friday linky lapse, no one except the very stupid or the very brave wants to sit out and eat in the rain, and I am neither. Now that the sun is shining again though, and the clocks have sprung forward giving us light longer into the evenings it seemed only fitting to bring back the feature. I'm hoping to get more of you to link up some useful recipes that we can all use when camping or just out enjoying the weather.

One of the first things I tend to consume outdoors each year is a cup of tea or coffee. It doesn't seem like a big deal but the reasons for it are usually based on effort. Let me explain...I'll wait while you make tea...ready? OK .. at the start of spring my Dear Husband and I look upon the garden with some despair and have to venture out to do some post winter tidying. This year it involved some rotten tree stump removal, some apple tree branches sawn off, a mow of the lawn, moving the trampoline and clearing of the odd dead plant. This took the best part of an afternoon and afterwards the Darling Daughter made us both a cup of tea, perfect to sit back on the newly cleared bench and sip tea in the spring sunshine while listening to the birdsong.
Copyright:chris_elwell / 123RF Stock Photo
But tea is not the only nice hot drink for outdoors, and I'm a huge fan of real coffee. Real coffee can be tricky to make if you travel light in a tent so I like to pack coffee bags, much like tea bags they steep in the cup, no mess and perfect real coffee is lovely on a misty morning outside the tent.

One thing that I haven't been doing is taking a flask when we go out on country walks. I used to but we broke a couple which meant we gave up for a while. I have tried an all metal flask but I never really felt it worked as well as the glass one. I'm thinking of getting another flask and having another go at a hot drink while out on a walk, especially after the first spring walk we went on this year, while sunny, was a bit nippy!

So this week's Outdoor Food on Friday is a nice hot beverage, tea or coffee, fresh from the kelly kettle if camping or from a flask if out walking (and here's a thing, I don't add milk to tea or coffee in a flask - I think it affects the taste, I'd like to know what you think on that and what you do)
Copyright:inspirestock / 123RF Stock Photo
So have you been eating or drinking outside yet this year? Have you blogged about it? Please link up below. Any blog post featuring eating or drinking outside is welcome, from beer in a pub gaden, to ice cream at the beach, but recipes that travel well or are easy to cook outside are most welcome.

Grab a badge, link up, visit some of the links. Have fun. See you next week.

Tent Sniffing for Beginners

As always, if you are seized with an urge to comment, find me on Twitter or Facebook for a natter.
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